Cities and Villages

Settlements - cities, townlets, villages, hamlets - are part of Cambodia. Some are important, some are beautiful, most are unforgettable.

One of Angkor Wat temple in nature with big tree with scaffolding

The second largest city of Cambodia and the capital of Battambang Province, founded in the 11th century.

One of Angkor Wat temple in nature with big tree with scaffolding

Cambodian capital undergoes a dramatic development same as the whole country. It is different every visit.

One of Angkor Wat temple in nature with big tree with scaffolding

The gateway to Angkor Wat, UNESCO World Heritage site. The breathtaking temples and much more...

One of Angkor Wat temple in nature with big tree with scaffolding

Sihanoukville is located on the banks of the Bay of Thailand, in the South of Cambodia. It is the only port on the Cambodian coast.